Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start: 7:38
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Commentators too loud and cheap mics.😭 rather have no commentator at all than.
How did NLC have better production 💀💀💀 edit: now that I think about it (despite the difficulties in the finals) much love to everyone in the NLC 🙌 was a sleek and well run tournament ❤
Where do I watch this live? I looked at emeamasters twitch and youtube, but they werent live right?
43:20 "Baus is completely off the charts with damage on the Vi". While in the background you see Baus buying Infinity Edge xD
The MS paint UI constantly having to get updated lol
My friends in discord sound better than this shit, unbeliable
Nemesis is on a different level, let's be honest.
What are these shoutcasters acting like the game is over when it's very obviously not. Talking about the end of the split already when the game is that close
Everyone needs to chill lol. These small torneys never get much views until now with LR. Yes hyper budget stuff.
omg the spectating camera is so annoying
It’s not winter 🤦♂️
good job los ratones page always slacking
having Caedrel then going to these commentators makes me really appreciate everything he does
Its crazy how far the EU masters tournament has fallen. Previously there was as desk segment in a studio and cast with RIOT casters (Quickshot, Medic, Hysterics, Dagda and Excoundrel to name a few). There was an official RIOT broadcast for EVERY game, with the semi finals (2x) and grand finals all in a LAN event. I don't know why they killed the budget. Now there's 4 matches occurring simultaneously with no official broadcast so we have to deal with this crap production. This is particularly bad when you have popular teams like LR, K Corp and Heretics all playing at the same time, splitting the viewership! Ultimately it means that most of the feeder leagues (NLC, LFL, LVP etc) are actually better viewing experiences than the EUM itself.
Nice cover by the caster they doing great considering the newfound popularity due to LR !
NBS filled a missing person report 47:20