Author: G7R

A true gamer that has been crazy about games and gaming for over 10 years. My main interests are PS5, VR and AR Games as well as general gaming.

Dota 2 Summer Scrub update will fix issues before TI9 There is no doubt that Dota 2 is indeed a big rage and it is being an addiction of sorts for millions of people across the world. However, there are some irritating and disturbing bugs. Valve is working towards solving it and according to latest reports, it has plans to come out with a number of major bug fixes and updates. This is work-in-progress right now but it is expected to be completed before The International 2019 or TI9. The developer of Dota 2 has gone on record stating that…

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Elise Nerfed in Team fight Tactics Riot Games The Public Beta Environment for Riot Games’ Teamfight Tactics has revealed a bunch of nerfs to some of the more popular heroes, most notably, Elise. Riot has changed the stats of Elise and has made her far less viable an option when considering the different Origins of the Champions. Her base armour has been reduced by five and her mana has been increased from 75 to 100 too. While that may sound good, all if means is that she needs to attack more and take more hits from enemies to get to…

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Pete Vlastelica As New Commissioner For Overwatch League There is quite a bit of excitement and expectations as Activision Blizzard has made a surprise announcement. It has announced that Pete Vlastelica will be the new commissioner of Overwatch League. It would be pertinent to mention here that the former Commissioner Nate Nanzer, earlier this year, left Overwatch League and he joined Epic Games. It also needs to be understood that this is the first time that the news pertaining to the departure of Nanzer has been announced by Activision Blizzard. The game publisher made this announcement in May. Vlastelica has…

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Drake’s Esports Franchise 100 Thieves -The Way To a $125M Valuation Before we get it into the story behind the sudden surge of cash for 100 Thieves, courtesy their investors, we will get started by understanding something more about 100 Thieves. This is a popular esports organization and it is based in Los Angeles, California, USA. The organization is famous because it has a few teams in Call of Duty, Fornite, League of Legends, and Apex Legends. Many of us would be aware that League of Legends and Call of Duty are franchises of League Of Legends Championships Series and…

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Information About League Of Legends European Championship Riot Games without any doubt is a leading and well-known American video game developer. Additionally, they also have earned name and fame as a leading tournament organizer for esports. They are based at Los Angeles, California. Ever since their founding in 2006, Riot Games has grown from strength to strength. Hence, if there is any report or piece of news article emanating from Riot Games, it does get quite a bit of attention. According to an Esports observer, Riot Games had quite a few things to say about the success of the much…

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Heroes of the Storm New Patch Notes From Blizzard Blizzard has just released the new patch notes. These notes are to take care of the latest balance patch of Heroes of the Storm. However, it is quite obvious that there quite a few things to unpack. Around 20 heroes would be receiving balance changes. This is almost 25% of the entire roster. It is believed that some fundamental mechanics of the game might also go through adjustments. Hence it would be interesting to have some understanding of the changes that could be happening. Designed To Make Things Move Faster…

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Valve’s Problematic Summer Sale Ends The Steam Summer Sale has now come to an end and surprisingly for some, brought with it some rather confused and bewildered gamers. The specials that Valve’s platform had on during the Summer Sale period were admittedly pretty good, but the confusion came in with the Grand Prix. Throughout the Summer Sale, users were asked to select a team from one of the five taking place in the Grand Prix. Those teams were Corgi, Hare, Tortoise, Pig and Cockatiel. Obviously, everyone who has ever used 9GAG or a similar platform will go straight for the…

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NZ Vodafone Warriors Expand into Fortnite Earlier this year, Blank Esports, the New Zealand-based Overwatch team partnered with the New Zealand Vodafone Warriors to expand the brand of the rugby league team into esports. The Vodafone Warriors, a fearsome force in the world of rugby recognized that a lot of their fans happened to be esports fanatics too, which saw them acquire the Overwatch team after some of their achievements over the last few years, including a top three finish in both Season 1 and 2 of the Overwatch Pacific Championship 2017, as well as a top 8 finish at…

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Overwatch Anti-Cheat Features – Blizzard protects Overwatch players There is no denying the fact that Overwatch is one of the most popular e-sports leagues and it is produced for the video game Overwatch, The producer of this videogame is again the famous and popular Blizzard Entertainment. Overwatch also follows the traditional model that is in vogue in various other North American sporting leagues that are known for the professionalism. They make use of the same set of city- based team and each of these teams are run and backed by separate ownership groups. The Overwatch League also features regular seasonal…

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Marvel Entertainment collaboration is finally revealed by Team Liquid Team Liquid, which happens to be an esports company that is based in the continent of North America, is responsible for making an announcement of collaboration along with Marvel Entertainment for the Rift Rivals competition which is going to be held this year. All the teams taking part in the Rift Rivals tournament will be putting on innovative limited-edition jerseys and all of these are going to be featured by this particular collaboration which we have mentioned just before. The Rift Rivals competition which is going to be held this year…

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