Error 004 can be frustrating, but it’s not difficult to resolve. Stay calm.
If you’re attempting to update your client and keep encountering “League of Legends Error 004,” an “OK” button, and your client rebooting, then we have the answer. It’s a straightforward issue with an easy solution.
Resolving Error 004 in League of Legends
League of Legends may have its share of bugs, but fortunately, Error 004 is a relatively simple error to understand. The error occurs when the League of Legends client tries to update but doesn’t have enough storage space on the drive where League of Legends is installed to fully download the patch’s contents. In short, you lack the necessary space to update the game.
Resolving Error 004
There are a few ways to fix this. The first is to delete content from the drive where League of Legends is installed to free up space. This can be accomplished by using the “Add or Remove Programs” function in the Windows Control Panel or by moving files to the Trash and then using the Clear Trash function on a Mac.
The second method, if you have multiple drives and want to keep all the other files on the drive where League of Legends is installed, is to switch drives. This can be done by locating League of Legends in your File Browser or Finder. Then, select the League of Legends folder and move it to your preferred drive. Remember, you’ll need to create a new Shortcut icon if you want to launch from the new file location from your desktop, but everything else should work fine.
This should resolve Error 004 if you’re encountering it unexpectedly. Best of luck and stay tuned to for more news and updates.