Gen.G vs FlyQuest, Game 5 | World Championship 2024 Quarterfinals | GEN vs FLY G5
Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start: 7:35
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World Championship 2024
#Worlds #GEN #FLY
didn't ban smolder 🤣
Man, If only fly didn't Overcook too much on game 5 🥲
GenG almost choked 😂😂 😂
Easy 3-0 for T1 mark my words 😤
Spoiler shield
Every time you get your hopes up 😢
Why pick fiddle? Pretty sure hes useless without his last skill😅
crazy how we got silver scrapes from FLY vs GEN 😭
Oh my god, how stupid can you be? But you're already used to that from EU and NA teams, that even though you're in the lead and better in teamfights, you start an absolutely stupid and risky action. This should definitely be reviewed by Riot Games and the respective people responsible should be permabanned for either win trading or deliberate losing, on all accounts! The action was so stupid that it was certainly out of line with the rest of the behaviour of the EU and NA teams!
Honestly, at this point it feels like either Gen G threw games 1 and 3 on purpose just to keep things interesting for themselves or were told to do so by Riot to keep the fans engaged in what otherwise would've been a pretty uneventful sweep.
What happened with the interface?