Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start: 7:58
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Questo video mi ha fatto dimenticare tutte le cose che stavo facendo. Ora ho un nuovo obiettivo: guardarlo ancora e ancora👄
This guy, Baus, he's so fucking boosted man, like every time I see him in solo queue, he's running it down, it's crazy
I really don't understand the Poppy on Baus. I think he would'v had a lot more impact on Naut or Galio. Less Risky as well.
Love how syndra took the blue so it couldn't be stolen. Big brain
This isn't KC, boring.
holy crap the casting is bad lol
3 band for baus 😂😂😂
Heartbreaking smite at 1600hp on the last elder. All down to that coin flip