Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start: 7:33
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Baus should just go tank on Naut, he gets so freaking tanky when you do. The build he has here feels like some streamer content build.
Baus: I'm Top 3 Toplaner in LEC. Loses to 3rd rate top laner in emea qualifiers.
Back to reality 😅
Horrible draft and builds, if you Play Double adc you Need two TANKS. Just Look at the Chinese and Korean top Teams wtf
los ratones should pay you for this upload speed wow
When a for fun Team meets a real org
Whats going on with cadriel? What are those drafts? First poppy than naut top?
oops didnt seem that bad when i was watching their stream highlights ( being picked 3 min from 200 min play from background)
33:53 amazing 220 iq nemesis engage
Take Notes emote in the end XO