Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start: 7:26
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Why is baus playing syndra man caedrel needs to lock in
Casters who don't recognize the gamestate and how the comps stack up against each other really makes you understand why ex-pro costreamers are so popular.
these casters can not be real man they are so bad
Someone get Veteran a new camera and a stable internet connection, my goodness. The A/V issues are a huge distraction from the draft and gameplay.
Call an ambulance, but not for me 😂 velja
digga was das für Kommentatoren hahaha
IDK man for a tournament these casters and stuff are……not it.
wtf are these casters
Literally have to watch this muted, get some real casters please!
Like this has to be some of the worst casting I've ever seen. Constantly interrupting each other and no clear roles. Every professional cast has one leading/describing caster who's responsible for hype and one analysing caster who's there for information. Meanwhile we get two casters who talk about memes and constantly and miss most of the game.
Jeez, the hate on these poor casters is real hahaha they may not be top notch, I'll give you that, but I think it was pretty decent, at least I didn't mind the change from the traditional speedy-talking.. chill out guys, no need to go this hard lmao