Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start: 5:49
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Very interesting and relevant topic! Looking forward to your next video! 🌺💚
Your videos are always so informative and informative! Thank you for this! 🔥😛
Si sa che è vero amore quando si può comodamente condividere una pizza senza contare le fette🧡
The sexy girl bot accounts :))
Oof, target banning Baus all series and losing to Kahn top
From a 6k gold lead to a 12k gold lead in 2 minutes, holy smokes
I'm happy, because i like LR, but i'm not sure, the better team won 😀
The display of picked champs in the series is 2x better than the rotating first stand one
🛡️🛡️ Spoiler shield 🛡️🛡️
It's GG!
I think it would be nice to have the other games from EMEA Masters as well
Love LR ❤❤❤
That combo of Zilean+Kindred was disgusting in teamfights. WP both teams.