Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start:
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Very interesting and relevant topic! Looking forward to your next video! 😻👅
Thank you for such fascinating ideas! Your videos always inspire me! 💖😘
Giving away that there is a game 5, feelsbad, spoilerprotection 404 eventvods
Thumbnail should've been Mietek. Fathered Perkz the whole series
Kick everyone but humz
wtf are this bot ass comments bro 😂 , and yeah wtf is perkz doing
I cant remember ever thinking the casting is actually a detriment to the game itself, but it is so hard to listen to the play by play this series. Also, feels real bad if youre that team that lost to RS with wunder subbing in, seems like bullshit to me. Couldn't farm perkz.