Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start:
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What a snoozefest
Can you put the whole NLC games instead of only three teams ?????
30:54 Humzh sama
Really bronze take by these casters that Draven is MORE dangerous when he sits on stacks instead of cashing in early. 10 minute Draven having a Pickaxe is able to exert pressure from much earlier in the game than a Draven who sits on 400 stacks. Also, Draven cashing out for multiple small amounts is worth more gold than Draven cashing out for one big amount, since there is a base cash out of 25 gold. If Draven cashes out twice, he gets the base gold of 25 two times, plus his stacks. If he cashes out once with the same stacks, he gets 25 gold ONCE, plus his stacks. In literally zero world does Draven want to go 20 minutes without having cashed out. Logic and math have failed these "people", but then again, its my fault for expecting volunteer casters to be anything less than a pair of duds in the braincell department.