FNC vs MKOI 0:00
KC vs FNC 06:02
G2 vs KC 11:24
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kc vs g2 was such a good series. the level of play from kc was insane and if they can keep down this path they might have a legit chance at winning worlds and i dont think ive ever said that for a western team before.
I feel like the fact that caliste has 0 pressure when joning the main roster. He was the main player in the ERL, and knew that was all about him. So going in higher stages, it feels he is used to the fans. 50% of LEC roster is savage this split. G2, recruiting the youngest jungler in ERL, KC opening the door to Caliste in LEC, Fanatic is a group of high potential, BDS is good when they want to and the best for the end MKOI, sometimes they throw it not even at 100% they push it to 200% digging themselves, but when they want to go they have 200% chance to digg their enemies
Still can't understand why labrov still engaged the team fight even caps obviously gonna die 12:01
KC 💙
redemption for targa & yike
an outdraft by fnc for game 5, what are you on about ; if you're planning to counterpick j4 with sylas j4 ult + mf don't first pick lulu
Yawn! Boring matches and boring video explaining it. Powdering a pig here. You put me to sleep with your monotone boring voice. I shoulda brought a sleeping bag.