The best 32 Teamfight Tactics competitors within the Americas region battled it out through the Set 11 Regional Finals Golden Spatula tournament for invites to the Inkborn Fables Tactician Crown World Championship.
Here are all the standings and scores from the NA, LATAM, and BR players who competed at the Set 11 Americas Golden Spatula tournament.
All TFT Americas Regional Finals standings, July 7

Of the top eight TFT players who made it to day three of the Americas pan-regional finals, only one couldn’t earn an Inkborn Fables Tactician’s Cup World Championship seed. Grea started the day with a lobby win on Kayn Reaper, with Socks and Dishsoap earning second and third.

Having the highest AVP heading into day three was Wasianiverson. Back-to-back eighth-place finishes from games one and two, however, put his TFT Worlds seed at risk. Also finishing at the bottom of the lobby during game two was Pockygom after squeaking out a sixth during game one.

Wasianiverson went eighth again during game three while Socks played Duelist for the third game in a row, winning the lobby. Pockygom bounced back with a second and Eusouolucas finished third.

Socks forced Duelist again during game four, but instead of another top four, he went eighth. Wasianiverson broke his lost streak for third, improving his AVP over Toddy. Grea earned his second first of the day and Pockygom continued his rebound with another second.

Breaking from forcing Duelist, Socks earned a third by playing Kayn Reaper. Wasianiverson went eighth for the fourth time at the Americas pan-regional finals. Eusouolucas earned his fifth top-four of the day, going second and dethroning Grea from atop the leaderboard. And despite a lobby win, Pockygom was still behind Socks on the leaderboard.

Wasianiverson had one of the worst days ever but he still managed to pull out an invite to Worlds based on AVP. Grea pulled out a top-four finish to win the Golden Spatula. And Toddy was the only player not to secure a TFT Worlds seed.

Here are the seven TFT players representing the Americas pan-region at the Tactician’s Crown World Championship.
- NA Socks
- LAS Maikel
- BR Bapzera
- NA Grea
- BR Eusouolucas
- NA Pockygom
- NA Dishsoap
- NA Wasianiverson
All TFT Americas Regional Finals standings, July 6
Day two of the TFT Golden Spatula tournament featured the top 24 from day one and determined the top eight heading into day three. Socks started the day off with a lobby win, along with Eusouolucas. The Brazilian Eusouolucas went on to win lobbies during games two and four. And Setsuko finished third four straight times in a row while Wasian held onto the lead over the field.

Eliminated by game five on day two were all players with standings 17 to 24, which included Aesah and Filup from NA, along with Ego from BR and Relic from LAN.

Socks and Maikel made the top eight cut at the Golden Spatula, with both already having Worlds seeds through the highest Qualifier Points from the season. Wasianiverson continued his dominance atop the leaderboard while Eusouolucas finished one point behind to claim second.

Just missing the top eight cut was Setsuko, with Socks winning the tie-breaker. Also missing the top eight cut despite a second-place finish in game six from NA was former World Champion Rereplay.
Here were the top eight players advancing to day three of TFT Americas Golden Spatula tournament
- Wasianiverson (NA)
- Eusoulolucas (BR)
- Grea (NA)
- Maikel (LAS)
- Toddy (BR)
- Dishsoap (NA)
- Pockygom (NA)
- Socks (NA)
All TFT Americas Regional Finals standings, July 5
Day one of the Golden Spatula TFT Set 11 Regional Finals tournament featured 32 Tacticians. Six games were placed with only 24 advancing to day two. Points from day one carried over into day two.
Games one and two TFT Golden Spatula standings
With points carrying over, every round matters. Maikel (LAS), Rereplay (NA), Filup (NA), and Aesah (NA) started day one of the Inkborn Fables Golden Spatula Americas tournament with lobby wins. Socks, Milk, TexSummers, and Wasianiverson were also playing at the top of their game.
Games three and four TFT Golden Spatula standings
Heading into the final two games of day one, NA and BR were dominating the leaderboard. Sitting on the bubble were players like Aesah, Setsuko, Fritz, and Prestivent.
Games five and six TFT Golden Spatula standings
Missing the top 24 cut for day one of the Americas Golden Spatula TFT Set 11 tournament were top players like Spencer, Ripple, Fritz, and TexSummers. Also cut on day one were Pino, Cambulee, and Bapzera.
Who competed at TFT Americas Golden Spatula?
Thirty-two TFT players from NA, LATAM, and BR qualified to compete at the Americas Golden Spatula tournament. Competitors earned a seed at the Americas Regional Finals through Cup Qualifier Points, ladder rankings, and a top-four finish at Tactician’s Cup 3.
Players qualified through TFT Set 11 Cup Qualifier points
Of the 32 total players, 15 earned a Golden Spatula seed through Cup Qualifier Points.
- Bapzera
- Cambulee
- Pockygom
- Altenahue
- Rereplay
- Wilf
- Filup
- Esbelto
- Slooper
- Milk
- Aesah
- TexSummers
- Jdzielinski22
- Davidas
Players qualified through TFT Set 11 Ranked ladder
- Pino
- Grea
- Toddy
- Eusouolucas
- Dishsoap
- Fritz
- Setsuko
- Relic
- Wasian
- Spencer
- Maikel
- Ego
Top four players from TFT Set 11 Tactician Cup 3
- Socks
- Prestivent
- Bio
- Ripple