In the world of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, the assassin character named Suyou stands out for his adaptability and impressive agility.
His dual mode – Mortal and Immortal forms – equips him to be a formidable force in any combat situation, be it in a hot pursuit or in enduring battles.
His abilities, such as Blade Surge and Evil Queller efficiently allow him to seize control over the battlefield, dodge attacks or retreat effortlessly, and his multiple-hit strategy effectively deals with enemies with low health and less mobility.
But, mastering Suyou extends beyond being agile. Your game strategy should also include building the perfect launchpad.
Whether you’re engaged in intense face-offs or in strategic maneuvers around enemies, your arsenal determines your playing power.
In this gaming guide provided by ONE Esports, we delve into three key game items that aid in magnifying Suyou’s battlefield prowess.
Mobile Legends: The top 3 game items for Suyou
Hunter Strike
In quick combats and tactical maneuvers, Hunter Strike should be the go-to item for Suyou.
This item significantly boosts your Physical Attack and reduces Cooldown time, maximizing your dual form skills to strike relentlessly.
The Hunter Strike is essential for gaining a quick speed advantage, courtesy of its passive effect that kicks in after multiple rapid-fire hits.
This forms a perfect combo with the multi-strike abilities of Mask of the Immortal such as Blade Surge and Soul Sever, making it easier to chase down enemies or escape tricky spots with ease. Synergize it with your tap skills to control the map rapidly and maintain constant pressure on your enemies.
War Axe
War Axe is invaluable for Suyou in long-drawn battles owing to its powerful damage capabilities and enhanced endurance.
The escalating Physical Attack and Penetration bonuses make your Immortal form a lethal force to reckon with in extended encounters.
War Axe’s enhanced Movement Speed benefit also boosts your agility, enabling you to easily navigate your way in and out of combat zones.
This is great when paired with your second skill – Soul Sever – by holding down and subsequent unleashing a series of cleaves. War Axe ensures you stand a chance against sturdy opponents and secure team fight victories.
Blade of Despair
For a complete Suyou Assassin build, you’ll need the Blade of Despair. With its towering Physical Attack capabilities, it magnifies your damage instantly, making it lethal for fragile characters.
The item’s passive effect – dealing increased damage to enemies with low HP – perfectly complements Soul Sever’s HP reduction.