Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start: 8:00
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But why did they put canna on sion and caliste on draven? Give counter pick to canna man and let Caliste play a real adc ffs kc need to start realising canna is the best player on their team and ALWAYS draft around what will help him be impactful in the game and that’s not him being on a Fking tank. And did they really think they were getting a early lead and snowballing against HLE?? So why the fk would they not take the kaisa for themselves ( or literally any other adc that exists in the game ) instead of draven 😃 they deserve to be on the flight home after that draft
Caliste getting mvp while they lost the match is amazing.
NA still thinking they are better is crazy when having half the wins
But ye, game 3 draft was ugly imo. HLE got a full meta team (and vlad). Feel KC went a bit 2 much for ''fun picks''. Its the EU special i feel by now. G2 also trolled hardcore in finals^"
Spoiler shield 🛡️ screw you spoilers.