G2 vs Bilibili Gaming, Game 3 | World Championship 2024 Swiss Stage Day 9 | G2 vs BLG G3
Picks & Bans: 0:00
Game Start: 6:36
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#Worlds #G2 #BLG
Hans used Kalista E on Sylas while Rumble was in stasis, he didn’t get the kill, caps got the kill, so Kalista E did not refresh CD, so he cannot rend Rumble, he thought he cannot cast it because it bugged out, but what actually happened is it’s in CD from the cast on Sylas.
That would be case closed on "G2 winning the world championship". Seriously, the nerve on these guys to make such a statement when there was nothing this season that would back that up… I'm glad they're gone now.
the timing was so crazy, slowing it down and then pausing and unpausing shows, the rend happens a frame before but when the damage comes through it happens the exact frame zhonays starts, theres also a kalista q thats about it hit on that frame and its the same frame that sylas came out of zhonyas meaning to hansama it looked like he rended rumble if he was focus there as the animation had begun. honestly the chances of it all being so stacked is so low, id call a pause to check too especially when you cant notice everything in a fight.
I want them to do a full breakdown of this on the show due to how much went into to tbh.
I'm going to have nightmares of that Baron call.
G2 for their 3rd win runs into LCK #1, the reigning world champions T1 and then LPL #1 how is that fair lmao. luckily i already swapped to watching LCK for 2 years now cause EU no hope anyway, but not even quarters is a bit sad.
meanwhile all NA games vs LPL/LCK was 0 – 4 even against their low seeds and they still get throught cause they both dodge G2, both draw GAM and PSG and then get to play each other instead of EU/LPL/LCK…………………………….damn cheaters lmao.
on the bright side, bwipo is fun to watch and to see NA their first match against LPL/LCK be a bo5 slaughter will be entertaining too.
also how do both NA teams have 3 non NA players in their roster? even the 2 NA guys of flyquest have double passport o.O